AskUxer x Telegram

My use case is to open a web page, AskUxer the web page with my prompt, write the full telegram api url + {Response} and send the message, then close the browser.

It will send me telegram notification and keep me updated for important things to track.

Example code

OpenBrowser Chrome "<url here>"

{Response} = AskUxer "<your prompt here>" -UseScreenshot true


Write "<YourBotToken>/sendMessage?chat_id=<YourChatID_without '-' >&text=<leave this empty unless you want to send static message>"

Write {Response}

SendKeys ENTER


You can also replace this line

{Response} = AskUxer "<your prompt here>" -UseScreenshot true

with any workflow, for example scraping text/number and pass it to ‘{YourParameter}’ then replace Write {Response} with Write {YourParameter} or Write normal text.

Another use case is treat telegram bot as a simple notification/debugging system for your automation workflow.

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Seems now you have a Telegram bot :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing Bukit!

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It’s the fast-to-setup “notification system” to my phone/desktop/staff group, great for one way short information traffic, also an alternative to