Automate Following Users Who Post on a Specific Hashtag on Twitter/X

This scenario automates the process of searching for a specific hashtag (e.g., “AI Automation”) on Twitter/X, liking posts, and following the users who posted them.

How to Use It:

  1. Copy and paste this template into Uxer’s scenario builder.
  2. Ensure that you are logged into X in Chrome before running the scenario.
  3. Save and run the scenario to automate liking posts and following users based on any hashtag.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Open Chrome and Navigate to Twitter/X:
    The scenario opens Chrome and navigates to, with incognito mode disabled so you remain logged into your account.

    OpenBrowser Chrome "" -Incognito false
  2. Search for a Specific Hashtag (e.g., AI Automation):
    The script clicks on the search bar, writes the specified hashtag (e.g., “AI Automation”), and presses Enter to start the search.

    Click Text "Search"
    Write "AI Automation"
    SendKeys ENTER
  3. Select the “Latest” Tab to View Recent Posts (with a slight delay):
    The scenario clicks the “Latest” tab to see the latest posts.

    Click Text "Latest"
  4. Scroll to Find and Like the Post:
    The script scrolls through the posts and clicks the like button 25 pixels to the left of the icon to open the post’s detailed page. This interaction ensures precise handling of the UI elements.

    Scroll 3 -UntilVisible Image {ux_xcom_like}
    Click Image {ux_xcom_like} -XMargin -25
  5. Like the Post and Follow the User:
    After opening the post, the script likes the post and follows the user who posted it.

    Click Image {ux_xcom_like}
    Click Text "Follow"

    Additional Explanation:
    By liking the post first, we can verify if the user has already been followed (the follow option might not appear if already followed).

Complete Script:

OpenBrowser Chrome "" -Incognito false
Click Text "Search"
Write "AI Automation"
SendKeys ENTER
Click Text "Latest"
Scroll 3 -UntilVisible Image {ux_xcom_like}
Click Image {ux_xcom_like} -XMargin -25
Click Image {ux_xcom_like}
Click Text "Follow"

Let us know if you need further assistance or more use cases!