Automate Liking Posts on Trending Hashtags

This scenario automates the process of finding and liking posts on Twitter/X under trending hashtags using Uxer’s AI-powered automation. It opens Chrome, identifies trending topics, and automatically likes posts under the selected hashtag.

How to Use It:

  1. Copy and paste this template into Uxer’s scenario builder.
  2. Ensure that you are logged into X in Chrome before running the scenario.
  3. Save and run the scenario to automate liking posts on Twitter/X under trending hashtags.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Open Chrome and Navigate to Twitter/X Trending Section:
    The scenario opens Chrome and navigates to the trending tab on Incognito mode is disabled to maintain your logged-in status.

    OpenBrowser Chrome "" -Incognito false
  2. Verify the Visibility of the “Trending” Section:
    The script checks for the “Trending” text to confirm the page is fully loaded and ready to display trending hashtags.

    IsVisible Text "Trending"
  3. Use AskUxer to Select a Trending Hashtag:
    Uxer analyzes the provided screen and selects one of the trending hashtags from the “Trending” section, which will be used for liking posts.

    {TrendTopic} = AskUxer "Give me one of the trending hashtags on the provided X screen." -UseScreenshot true
  4. Search for the Selected Hashtag:
    The scenario clicks the search field, writes the selected trending hashtag, and initiates the search by pressing Enter.

    Click Text "Search"
    Write {TrendTopic}
    SendKeys Enter
  5. Verify Visibility of the “Top” Posts Section:
    The script checks for the “Top” text to confirm that the page is loaded and the posts under the trending hashtag are visible.

    IsVisible Text "Top"
  6. Scroll and Like Posts:
    The script scrolls five times until it finds a visible “like” button on a post, and then clicks it. It repeats the process three times to like additional posts.

    Scroll 5 -UntilVisible Image {ux_xcom_like}
    Click Image {ux_xcom_like}
    Scroll 5 -UntilVisible Image {ux_xcom_like}
    Click Image {ux_xcom_like}
    Scroll 5 -UntilVisible Image {ux_xcom_like}
    Click Image {ux_xcom_like}

Complete Script:

OpenBrowser Chrome "" -Incognito false
IsVisible Text "Trending"
{TrendTopic} = AskUxer "Give me one of the trending hashtags on the provided X screen." -UseScreenshot true
Click Text "Search"
Write {TrendTopic}
SendKeys Enter
IsVisible Text "Top"
Scroll 5 -UntilVisible Image {ux_xcom_like}
Click Image {ux_xcom_like}
Scroll 5 -UntilVisible Image {ux_xcom_like}
Click Image {ux_xcom_like}
Scroll 5 -UntilVisible Image {ux_xcom_like}
Click Image {ux_xcom_like}

Let us know if you need further assistance or more use cases!