Automate Posting on LinkedIn Company Pages Using Uxer's AI Assistant (AskUxer)

This scenario automates the process of creating and posting content on your LinkedIn Company Page using Uxer’s AI-powered assistant, AskUxer. The AI Assistant generates a post based on your chosen topic and publishes it on your LinkedIn company page.

How to Use It:

  1. Copy and paste this template into Uxer’s scenario builder.
  2. Ensure that you are logged into LinkedIn in Chrome before running the scenario.
  3. Go to your LinkedIn company page and replace the company ID in the link with your own company’s ID.
  4. Save and run the scenario to automate creating and posting content on LinkedIn Pages.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Open Chrome and Navigate to Your LinkedIn Company Page:
    The scenario opens Chrome and navigates to your LinkedIn company page. Make sure you replace the company ID in the link below with the link to your company’s post page.

    OpenBrowser Chrome "" -Incognito false
  2. Generate LinkedIn Post Content Using AskUxer:
    Uxer’s AI Assistant, AskUxer, generates a LinkedIn post. Modify the prompt to match the content you want to create (e.g., AI Automation or any other topic relevant to your business).

    {Response} = AskUxer "Create a LinkedIn post about AI Automation. Focus on a single business domain."
  3. Click on the “What do you want to talk about?” Input Field:
    The script clicks on the text field where the LinkedIn post will be written.

    Click Text "What do you want to talk about?"
  4. Write the Generated Post Content:
    The generated response from AskUxer is inserted into the text field.

    Write {Response}
  5. Post the Content:
    The scenario simulates pressing the space key to activate the “Post” button, then double-clicks the “Post” button to ensure the content is published.

    SendKeys Space
    Click Button "Post" -Double true

Complete Script:

OpenBrowser Chrome "" -Incognito false
{Response} = AskUxer "Create a LinkedIn post about AI Automation. Focus on a single business domain."
Click Text "What do you want to talk about?"
Write {Response}
SendKeys Space
Click Button "Post" -Double true

Let us know if you need further assistance or more use cases!