Cmd Click Button

Is there a way to use CMD + Click Button as an action in Uxer? cant find it. I need it to click a button and open the chrome window in a new tab

Hi @4532342 ,

Could you please try Command + T?

i dont understand. I cannot click a button and do command T at the same time can I? I just want to hold command and then click a button (so it opens the destination in a new tab). I do that that manually all the time but cant find how to do that in uxer

I see what you mean.
Currently it is not possible to use click action and keyboard action at the same time.

oh no your kidding :frowning:

I really need this. Because of all the other issues i mentioned (like the spaces etc), i need to make the webpage bigger and adjust the layout so puppetry will recognize the right stuff. However, if i cant cmd click a button (or text), then I have to use a way to use the back in history keycombo, but when i do that it resets the window to default sizing with a big input window which makes certain parts disappear.

PFF need a workaround for the workaround of the worksaround it seems

IS this going to be in the next release pretty please???