Hi, I am a beginner and I want to ask if it would be possible to do the following automation.
There is a website, on the left sidebar are links to pages.
On the pages are 1-5 videos.
Starting with the first link I visit the first page. On the first video there is a download button, I click on it, a little bit later some resolution options appear, I click on the 540 version and the download starts. It takes several seconds to download the video, after that the the usual windows pop-up appears to save the video.
I scroll down to check if there is another video on the page, if there is, I download it, if not, then I select the next link on the left sidebar. This repeats until the last video is downloaded.
Here is a screen recording: https://www.flexclip.com/share/6921617287c2094e164217f23e88839fa8feb74.html
Hi @felhaxnaloosszego ,
I watched your video, yes it is possible. There are couple of different parts that needs to be taking care of.
- How to go to each link one by one?
- If the links are known, you can directly open each of them and then go to next step.
- If the links are unknown and needs to be read from the screen, you can use AskUxer to switch to next link.
{Response} = AskUxer “What is the text on the first link on the page?” -UseScreenshot true
{Response} = AskUxer “What is the next link on the page?” -UseScreenshot true
Click Text {Response}
Then you need to loop them to be able to reach all the links. You also need to scroll time to time since not all the links are visible.
- How to click the download icon
- You need to use If/Else logic to scroll on the page to check if there is any other videos.
Hope it helps.
Hi @Zekeriya ,
Thank you for the instructions, I am starting to really like u-xer because it has a lot of well thought automation functions, keep up the good work!
As you can see in the video, there is a left scroll bar with the links and the page’s main scroll bar.
Is there a possibility to select, which scroll bar I control?
You need to move mouse to correct location and then use scroll action to move the scroll.
For example:
MoveMouseTo Text “Welcome to Bachata!”
Scroll 3
MoveMouseTo Text “Module Progress:” -YMargin 60
Scroll 3
(Setting YMargin
to 60 will move the mouse 60 pixels down from the found location.)
Wow, you have thought of everything 
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