Hi there, I have download an agent to my PC. Win 11. when I try to install, nothing happens.
@dhorn we apologize for the incovenience.
There is a detailed guide on how to get started:
Please let us know if you are still facing issues.
Hi @dhorn ,
If you have Avast and it is in Silent mode, Then it can also create problem. Avast doesn’t like the agent for some reason although it is certified app.
You can turn off your antivirus for when you are installing or updating if that is the case for you!
If that is the case solution is:
- Turn of antivirus.
- Download again
- Install.
- Then open the app and register
- Then turn it on
Or also you can add it as an exception → this is only available if antivirus is NOT in silent mode!
@dhorn ,
Can you please follow these steps exactly, if still not working, then we need to have a call to check!
- Open task manager and kill U-xer if it is open.
- Turn of antivirus
- Go to agents tab on the app and download again and install
Then Let us know the result!
Hello, I’m encountering a similar issue on Windows 10.
I’ve followed your guidance regarding the antivirus, but your application is being identified as infected with a Generic threat.
I have added an exception for your application.
Upon launching the application, it prompts me to enter my credentials.
However, the “agent registered” button continuously flickers, and I am unable to select an agent.
Suspecting that the default agent might be causing the issue, I attempted to remove it but received an error message. Despite logging out multiple times, the same problem persists.
Following is a screenshot:
I apologize, this is the animated gif I intended to share:
You can see in the background on the right that the antivirus is turned off.
Hi @my-subscriptions ,
First, Avast and AVG (If I remember correctly), gives false positives for the agent. I think you might be using one of them. Let me know if you are using something different. You need to turn shields of only when installing / updating. It should work after even when it is turned on.
Second, which browser are you using? Please check most common issues stated here and let me know.
And Third, try “unregister” and register again
Anti virus Shields were turned off during installation.
I even created an exception for your app.
I am using Chrome.
Tried Firefox but same thing happen.
Did you try unregistering and then registering again?
I did.
I even checked the Windows Defender but it was off.
does your app have a log file I can send you?
Yes, Will dm you now.
I tried again a few minutes ago and still not able to connect or choose an agent. I am sending you the log file through email.
The following line in the log file point to a coding error:
2024-06-21 10:03:27.148 -04:00 [ERR] Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Did you see the Message I sent here in the community channel? Go to your “Messages” part to see it.
I don’t see a “Messages” part.
Servers are in maintenance mode now. I am expecting that they will be back soon.
No, it ends at “All categories.” Clicking on it takes me to the main dashboard. Sorry but I believe I’ve already spent enough time on an app that’s meant to help m save time.