Generative AI support for scenario creation

Implement a LLM support to create scenario using everyday language.

The model might needs a bit more work. Would love to see you add updated versions. Or give use the best practices for how to get the best from the model.

Hi @malsherlock ,

We realized that many users asking questions which can’t be answered by the AI at the moment. In short, all the definitions and commands should be certain like it is in the examples which you can see on the AI directly:
Go Netflix, then login with these informations, Email: [email protected] Password: Test123!

However, if instructions are to uncertain like go to instagram and click the first profile. In this example first profile name is changing all the time and AI can’t know it. For that reason it will fail.

We are working on much dynamic version of the AI, it is called scenario builder in the roadmap. It is in progress.
