How can we record whether products are in stock on an Excel sheet?

You can copy the following steps, create a new scenario, and run it directly. You need to split the screen in half. One side should have the Excel containing the links, and the other side should have the browser where the links will open. In the example, we used the Chrome Browser.

Furthermore, our looping feature is among the future developments; currently, we don’t have this capability. We’ll inform you once it’s available. In the meantime, we’ve set up the scenario to run every minute by saving it within a job.

In the example scenario below, if the phrase ‘In Stock’ is present, it retrieves the ‘In’ text and writes it in the cell next to the relevant link in Excel. If the phrase ‘In Stock’ is not found, the scenario fails, and the cell next to the relevant link in Excel is left blank.

***Notes: it’s important to click on column B1 in Excel before running the scenario.

Example Scenario:

Click Text “Excel”
SendKeys DOWN
SendKeys LEFT
Click Arrow [0]
SendKeys ENTER
Click Text “Excel”
SendKeys RIGHT
GetText “{parameter1} stock”
Click Text “Excel”
Write {parameter1}