I’m trying to schedule a Telegram message, but I need the agent to click the closest Monday in the future. For example, if today is Tuesday, July 16, I need the agent to select Monday, July 22.
Unfortunately, I cannot type the date. I have to click the date on the calendar as shown below. I can make a google sheet formula that will tell me the date of the upcoming Monday. But, I don’t know how to make use of that to create the automation haha
U-xer seems to recognize the dates on the calendar as text.
So, how do I take the value of a cell in Google Sheet (that gives me just the date of the upcoming Monday, without the month/year), and tell U-xer to find that value in the calendar?
One issue, however, if the date is small, like 5 or 6, instead of clicking the date in the future, U-xer may try to click a date in the past, which is also shown in the calendar.
No worries, I figured as much. Thanks for taking the time to respond, though.
I’m trying to automate the actions on Telegram app, which is a windows app, not a web app. So, CSS/xpath don’t apply, am I right? I know nothing when it comes to coding etc