How U-xer Stands Out Compared to Other Automation Tools?

There are lots of other similar tools, is U-xer different?

There are many automation tools out there, and we are a well-established automation company that has been serving enterprise-level clients for a long time. We currently created our own tool, U-xer, to bring something unique to the market.

U-xer is not just another variant of existing tools. We have developed a completely new automation engine, designed by our R&D team, that operates distinctly from traditional methods.

Short Answer:

U-xer stands out in the automation tool landscape with its unique computer vision-based engine. Unlike traditional automation tools that rely on the front-end code of applications, U-xer operates directly with what is visible on the screen, making it incredibly user-friendly and ideal for teams without extensive technical expertise. However, it is not suited for complex tasks like table reading, database connections. U-xer excels in simple, visual-based tasks, enabling quick setup and execution, making it a perfect choice for startups and teams needing to automate workflows efficiently without heavy investment which can also be easily integrated to your existing automation flows by U-xer’s APIs.

Long Answer:

Unlike 99% of automation tools that rely on the front-end code of applications, U-xer utilizes what is visible on the screen through computer vision. This allows us to simplify the automation process significantly. For example, to click on the text “hello” on your screen, you just need to type “Click Text ‘hello’” into U-xer, and it will do it for you.

However, U-xer isn’t suitable for every scenario. It’s not the best choice for tasks like table reading, off-screen elements, database connections, or complex API interactions. Teams with extensive RPA expertise might find U-xer too basic for their needs.

But U-xer excels in environments where simplicity and speed are key. If you’re part of a startup or a team without extensive resources or specialized automation knowledge, U-xer is an invaluable tool. It enables you to quickly create smoke tests and essential workflows, often within minutes.

Pros and Cons of Using Computer Vision for Automation:


  • U-xer operates like a human using your computer; it cannot run in the background and it can only interacts with what is visible on the screen.
  • It is less effective for tasks like table reading, website scraping, database connections, or handling complex APIs.


  • User-Friendly Automation: U-xer is incredibly user-friendly, suitable for both tech-savvy users and those without technical expertise. Its ability to understand everyday language simplifies task automation dramatically.
  • Platform Independence: U-xer works across all platforms using just application screenshots, eliminating the need for different tools for various platforms. This simplifies automation across devices, allowing you to use the same automation scripts on different platforms.
  • Support for Diverse Elements: U-xer can automate a broad range of tasks that are visible to the human eye, including 3D elements, images, and games. This versatility extends its usefulness beyond traditional automation tools.
  • Independence from Development Environment: U-xer does not require the application to be operational within a development environment. Users can start creating automation scenarios based on design alone, even before any code has been written.

What features makes U-xer stand out?

  • User-Friendly Automation: U-xer offers an intuitive automation solution suitable for both technical and non-technical users. For instance, automating tasks such as clicking the ‘Login’ button involves a simple command: Click Button ‘Login’. This is how easy task automation can be with U-xer!

  • Selector-Free Visual Automation: U-xer simplifies the automation process by eliminating the need for traditional selectors such as CSS and XPath. Instead, U-xer analyzes visual elements within applications to automate tasks based on visual recognition. This approach enhances ease of use and accessibility, allowing users to create automation scenarios without extensive technical knowledge or prior coding experience.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): U-xer uses advanced NLP to translate natural language commands into executable actions. This capability allows users to communicate instructions in everyday language, which U-xer then converts into automated tasks.

  • Supported Apps: U-xer makes it easy to automate tasks on both Windows and Mac desktops, as well as browsers. It also supports mobile automation. iOS and Android support on Mac users and Android support for Windows users.

  • Platform Independence: Users can automate web, desktop and mobile apps, and even use the same automation scenarios on different platforms with ease. “Click Button Login” step will click login button in any platform.

  • Code Editor Mode: U-xer scripting language is based on a simple text file format, making it easy to write and edit automation scripts. The Code Editor Mode provides a dedicated interface for developers to directly write, edit, and most importantly, copy-paste their scripts. This mode caters to those who prefer coding their automation scenarios, offering a convenient way to customize and control tasks with precise commands.

  • Modular Automation: U-xer allows you to create flexible and powerful workflows by combining multiple scenarios into one. With Modular Automation, you can build and manage complex automation tasks easily, making your automation processes more organized and scalable.

  • Command Line / Terminal Integration: U-xer includes a RunCommand feature that allows users to execute terminal-like actions within their automation scenarios. This powerful tool enables you to run command-line instructions directly, integrating terminal commands into your workflows. Whether you need to execute scripts, manage files, or perform system tasks, U-xer’s Terminal Actions feature provides the flexibility and control you need.

  • Connect U-xer to Your Process with APIs: U-xer offers open APIs that allow other tools and systems to integrate with it. This feature enables users to connect a wide range of applications and services to U-xer, enhancing workflow automation and data exchange capabilities. By leveraging U-xer’s APIs, you can extend its functionality, incorporate it into more complex automation scenarios, and ensure compatibility with your existing software ecosystem.

  • Simple Troubleshooting and Screenshot Verification: U-xer provides fast troubleshooting tools like single step run and multiple step run. These features allow users to execute and check each step of their automation scenarios individually, making it easy to find and fix issues. With screenshot verification, users can visually confirm each step’s accuracy, ensuring precise automation execution.

  • Custom Image Detection with Screenscraper: U-xer includes a screenscraper tool for custom image detection. This feature allows users to automate tasks based on specific visual elements, like icons, within an application, enhancing precision and flexibility in automation scenarios.

  • Start Automation with Existing Window: Unlike traditional automation tools that require initializing the app, U-xer allows you to start automation with an already open window. For example, if you have a web application open and logged in, U-xer can begin automating tasks immediately without restarting or reloading the app. This feature saves time and simplifies the automation process, making it more convenient for users.

  • Uses Your Own Browser: U-xer uses your existing browser instead of a separate automation browser. This means you won’t need to log in again or manage cookies if you’ve already done so. It’s just like using your browser normally, but with the added power of automation.

  • Automatic Retry for Element Detection: U-xer includes a built-in retry feature that waits until elements appear on the screen. This ensures that your automation tasks run smoothly, even if there are delays in the appearance of elements, providing more reliable and accurate automation.

  • Detailed Execution Reports: U-xer provides advanced reports for each automation execution, including detailed screenshots. These reports offer comprehensive insights into the automation process, helping users to review and verify each step, ensuring accuracy and reliability in their automation tasks.

  • Local and Remote Execution: U-xer supports both local and remote execution. You can connect an agent to your remote machine, VM, or VPS for 24/7 cloud execution. This flexibility allows you to run automation tasks anytime and anywhere, ensuring continuous operation and monitoring.

  • Scheduled Scenarios: U-xer allows you to schedule your automation scenarios for recurring executions. This feature helps you automate routine tasks at set intervals, ensuring they are performed consistently and on time without manual intervention.

  • Unlimited User Collaboration: U-xer allows you to invite as many users as you want to your project. This feature facilitates teamwork and collaboration, making it easy to work together on automation tasks and scenarios without any user limits.

  • Advanced Configuration Options: U-xer offers advanced configuration options at the project, scenario, and step levels. This flexibility allows users to tailor their automation tasks with precision, ensuring that each aspect of their workflow is customized to meet specific needs and requirements.

  • Multilanguage Support: U-xer provides multilanguage support, allowing users to automate tasks in different languages even though the application language is English. This feature ensures that users can work with various languages in their automation scenarios, making U-xer versatile and adaptable to different linguistic needs.

How is it different than Bardeen?

Bardeen is a great tool for automating web workflows, web scraping, and automating web-only tasks.

If you need complex web scraping and your tasks are only web-based, stick with Bardeen.

U-xer is a human-like automation tool that can automate not only web tasks but also anything visible on the screen. However, it comes with limitations for data-intensive and scraping-intensive automations.

Since it behaves more like a real human, U-xer can use existing browsers or the same browser you have previously logged into to overcome captcha issues.

How is it different than Zapier, Active Peaces, Pabbly Connect, and n8n?

These tools are focused on API calls and data manipulation between calls. They depend on the available APIs of the apps and cannot automate UI tasks.

U-xer, on the other hand, is a human-like automation tool that can see your screen and execute given actions like clicks and writing text.

How is it different than Robomotion?

Robomotions is a powerful tool comparable to UIPath in the RPA field. It offers extensive functionality and allows for the creation of custom solutions using various programming languages. While it excels in handling complex cases, mastering it requires a steep learning curve and significant technical skills.

On the other hand, U-xer takes a completely different approach to automation with its unique architecture. We focus on simplifying task automation using computer vision, making it accessible to non-technical users. Our vision is distinct as well. Our top priority is to develop an AI Agent capable of executing commands on your computer.

In the meantime, we are eager to collaborate with our users to create the best roadmap possible.

What are the pros and cons of automation tools stated below

Zapier, Active Peaces, Pabbly Connect, n8n

These tools act as coordinators for your digital tools, helping different apps you use (like email, calendars, and spreadsheets) to communicate and share information automatically.
Pros: Great for creating communication between apps.
Cons: Cannot be used for UI web or desktop automation.

Robomotion, UI Path, Automation Anywhere

These are robust RPA (Robotic Process Automation) tools designed to automate repetitive tasks across any application, including desktop and web environments.
Pros: Great for automating complex business processes.
Cons: They require technical skills. You will probably need a dedicated RPA developer.

Taskmagic, Bardeen, RTILLA

These are “web-only” version automation tools.
Pros: Great for web automations including web scraping. Usually, they have prebuilt scripts for specific purposes that are plug-and-play.
Cons: If the plug-and-play doesn’t work, you will need technical skills to solve your problems.

Selenium, Playwright, Cypress

These are “web-only” open-source automation tools. Most of the tools above use them in the background.
Pros: Open-source and free tools with a huge community. If you are an automation expert, this is your 99% choice.
Cons: Requires pretty good technical skills.

Winium, WinAppDriver

These are “desktop-only” open-source automation tools. Most of the tools above use them in the background.
Pros: Open-source and free tools with a huge community. If you are an automation expert, this is your 99% choice.
Cons: Requires pretty good technical skills.


This is a “mobile-only” (excluding its Selenium capabilities) open-source automation tool. Most mobile automation tools use it in the background.
Pros: Open-source and free tools with a huge community. If you are an automation expert, this is your 99% choice.
Cons: Requires pretty good technical skills.

*UFT, IBM Rational, Katalon Studio

These established tools combine web, desktop, and mobile automations, used mainly for test automation.
Pros: Eases the use of complex structures with the automation tools.
Cons: Paid, and you still need experts to use them.

And Finally: U-xer

Combination of web, desktop, and mobile automations.
Pros: Really easy to use compared to all others, supporting all types of apps. It is using its own automation engine.
Cons: Cannot build complex tasks currently. Aiming to create true personal AI assistants on your PC. You will tell something to Agent and It will execute (Soon). Like a chatgpt, but rather then answering questions, it will perform the commands!.