I have Automated Linkedin Comments and Likes on random profiles

Resulted in 500 followers in less then 20 days

For this i have downloaded a extension which activates as soon i click comment section and then when i press positive text it generate a comment and then i just press post and then move to next post


OpenBrowser Chrome “LinkedIn Login, Sign in | LinkedIn”

Delay 6000

Scroll 44

Click Text “Like”

Click Text “Comment” [0]

Delay 2222

Click Text “Positive reply” [0]

Delay 5000

Hover Image {post}

HoverAndClick Image {post}

Delay 50

Scroll 33

Click Text “Like”

Click Text “Comment” [0]

Delay 2222

Click Text “Positive reply” [0]

Delay 5000

Hover Image {post}

HoverAndClick Image {post}

Delay 50

Scroll 33

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That’s a great use case :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing with the community @Usman-Yousaf :slight_smile:

If anyone wants to implement this automation but doesn’t know how, I can help you get started. While I may not be an expert, I can provide assistance with the initial setup. For more advanced tasks, you can reach out to the team for their expertise and support in any situation.


Hey @Usman-Yousaf

I will love some help with this if you will. I messaged you on fb

You can contact me on linkedin @usman999 or send me mail at [email protected]

Thanks for sharing! I just tried it and have a couple questions (I’m a first-timer here so forgive me for stupid questions). Is it supposed to comment automatically? Mine liked, and clicked on comment, but it stopped there. My other question, is there a way to make it like/comment only on followers? The first thing it went to for me was a promoted post that wasn’t relevant. Thanks!

There are several free chrome extensions available that allow you to comment on posts. Download any one of them. You can also choose to comment on posts from your followers only, rather than selecting a specific group select your feed. This way, you can see posts from all of your followers and those you are following.

Got it! I just didn’t know if the commenting part wasn’t working in my setup. I can also use ChatGPT I assume.

I developed a chrome extension for my personal use that adds a comment button to every post. When I click on it, my extension automatically reads the post, generates a comment, and then posts it. if you need more information inbox me i will help you

Defintely make a video on this, would be really helpful

Its already done. Just editing it and will upload soon


Love the idea my friend! You upload it already?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Tomorrow i am uploading 2 videos one will be linkedin Automation and other one will be Instagram automation

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Are the videos ready? i’m very curious!

Yes the video is uploaded https://www.youtube.com/@rpatools/videos

Thank you very much @Usman-Yousaf ,

By the way if anyone needs help, Usman is also providing automation services and can get things done for you!

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Hi, I messaged you personally right inside this community please check.

Replied to your personal message

I need some help if you find my video useful then do leave me a review on my linkedin profile that will help me establish more connections and motivate me to create more use cases and also if someone have something in mind do share and i am happy to create avideo showing the usecase


if the link don’t work let me know