What Action should I use when I need to open drop-down menu and choose a particular option?

What Action should I use when I need to open drop-down menu and choose a particular option?

I’m trying to automate setting internal traffic filter in all Google Analytics properties

I need to choose IP address matches regular expression

Hi @natasi4ek,

You can use the click action:
Click Text “Ip address matches”

Hi, @Zekeriya

It is not working that way…

I’m making a click on default value, which opens drop-down and than a click to needed value, but execution is freezing…

Any other thoughts?

There should be a reason for this which I can’t understand. Could you please share full screenshot?

As an alternative approach, you can also try this.
Click Text “expression”

If there is not other text “expression” on the screen, it should work.

After execution is completed, please got to report and see what happened.

Little update.
I have tested these conditions few times, and sometimes it worked sometimes not.
I did zooming out on Analytics interface to escape numerous scrolls.
Zooming out is not very good.
Sometimes neighbor’s buttons become clicked instead of right ones.
Click Text from drop-down worked if the window has normal size :slight_smile:

Thank you!

@zekeriya do you have any suggestion for another problem?

I need to close all those tabs in Analytics (3) after creating a filter.

I did a screenshot and made image of close sign (x), so that uxer can click on it, but instead I can see it chooses right up corner arrow of the browser (this is where I find cursor after some time).

Is there a better solution?

This is html of the header, where close button is located

div class="gtm-sheet-header" data-busy-indicator=""> <i class="gtm-sheet-header__close wd-list-sheet-close" data-ng-click="ctrl.close()" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Close screen"></i> <div class="gtm-sheet-header__title"> <div class="blg-title"> <div>Define internal traffic</div> </div> <!----><header-details data-ng-if="::!ctrl.isFullMode"><!----><div class="gtm-flex header-details" data-ng-if="ctrl.isGteContainer"> <!----> <!----><img data-ng-if="!ctrl.isGa4F" class="header-details__img" role="presentation" src="/images/gtag-solid-icon.svg"><!----> <div class="blg-body-and-caption"> <div>website.com - GA4</div> <div> <!----> G-00000003 </div> </div> </div><!----> </header-details><!----> </div> </div

Yes there are couple of options:

  1. You can increase the confidence level of the image parameter.
    in the Scenario editor, click the big take a screenshot button, click verify icon and then you will be able to verify it. You can adjust the confidence level accordingly. In your case, you need to set it to probably 0,8.

  1. Use keyboard shortcuts with sendkeys. If clicking Escape button closes the windows, you can use it.
  2. Below scenario will click 60 pixel left of the given text. You can set this based on your screen.
    Click Text “Define internal” -XMargin -60

Uxer is not using any CSS / html. so it is not relevant in our case :slight_smile:

@zekeriya thank you for tips. Escape button works great!