Where does U-xer store the screenshots it makes?
Not sure about the context but everything is kept on the server.
so the server keeps screenshots of my computer? I guess I wont be using it anymore. Dont want my info on your server. I think no saas software should ever do that.
@4532342 Of course the screenshots are on the U-xer server, it’s easy to know. Right clic on the image in report and you will see the path : https://static.uxer.ai/portal/screenshots/folder/imagename.png
When I see the quantity of screenshots, it’s much better to be on their server to be analysed to automate.
If it’s a SaaS, then the data is stored on the server. Otherwise, it would be considered an on-premise solution. When using a browser, most of the information you access is stored on the server. This is similar to services like ChatGPT, Google Drive, or any other cloud-based automation tools.
By the way screenshot are not kept forever. They are deleted after a while to keep data safe and take less space.
I know what Saas is. Dont like that the screenshots are saved on the server. How long are they stored and do i have control over the screenshots? Can I set the timeperiod? Can I choose to delete them in one go (eg every day or at the end?)
a reply would be appreciated. i would like to have control over this
Hi, Currently we are doing it in manually around twice a year.
You don’t have control but we manually can do it on request.
We will add an option to delete after execution in the upcoming release even if not the next one. Not sure when.