Cant start u-xer app > MALWARE DETECTION

I used u-xer last week and earlier this week. Changed nothing on my mac and now it doesnt see any agent. I tried launching the app but it seems to do nothing. It doesnt appear in the activity monitor either (so i cant kill it either).

Any ideas whats happening and how to solve this? Bw how can i see the version of the app and whether or not there’s a new version?

Rebooted my computer and now it shows this (see screenshots). First the one on top and after waiting a bit, it comes with the second worning. Looks like it is seen s malware…So I cant use it anymore :frowning:

Hi @4532342 ,

I am not sure what is going on on your case. Could you please remove it from your PC and download the agent again?

Make sure to give relevant permissions as well.

Let me know what happens.

already did that yesterday. same issue

tried again today. new download again, this is what i get (on both macs):

Hi, After I uninstall and install the app, I had the similar behavior. We have contacted the Apple Support for fix. I assume it can take sometime for complete fix.

However as an alternative solution you can follow these steps.

  1. Open you terminal

  2. go to the location of the Uxer Agent which you downloaded. If it is in the Downloads folder you can use the below command:
    cd ~/Downloads

  3. Run the this command making sure that the name of the file is “UxerAgent.dmg”
    sudo xattr -rd “UxerAgent.dmg”

Then Installing should be successful.

This doesn’t work. The agent installs but the agent is also blocked and identified as mailware.

Yes, same issue. I guess this is because I updated my OS to Sequoia 15…

We are looking to this issue. Will let you know once fixed.

Yes, also same here. Scanned it with Avira, which did not gave a negative result. Seems like a built in function of the new version of OS, since I found no option to deselect yet.

You can workaround this problem…

  • Go to the file you want to open (Agent or installer)
  • right click and click on Info
  • In the General Dropdown select „Override Malware detection“ and confirm it with the password.

However, it dies not leave a good feeling that some application is activated which is identified by some core system protection as malware. So a follow up what apple said and the solution and if its fixed would be appreciated.

I’m on MacOS Sequoia 15.3 and I get a different message. When I try to open it, it immediately deletes it and puts in the trash for me due to malware detection.

I am getting the following error message on mac ““U-xer” will damage your computer. You should move it to the Trash.” I tried my newer mac and that one automatically throws u-xer in the trash? Any ideas?

We are looking for best way to handle this situation but until now, Apple rejected our app without giving any explanation. I also see similar tools are having problem with it currently. We will let you know once it is fixed.

They probably added some of the libraries we are using on their blacklist and everything is automatically rejected.

Any updates? It’s been months of not being able to use U-xer :frowning:

We found an alternative approach, we are implementing it and will release soon. It will require additional steps but will work.

please let me know when its available